AI-Powered Fishing Reports

  • Thousands of data points from professional fishing reports.

  • Accurate and up-to-date.

  • Continuously improving and refining our model.

  • For all skill levels, beginners to seasoned pros.

  • 100% FREE to use!

About fishtAIls

Welcome to fishtAIls, your ultimate companion in the world of fishing. We understand that every angler, whether a seasoned pro or a beginner, relies on accurate and up-to-date information from fishing reports. That's where fishtAIls comes in – your AI-powered fishing report chatbot.

The fishtAIls Vision

At fishtAIls, we've set out to revolutionize the way anglers access fishing information. We know the thrill of the catch is in the details, and that's why we've harnessed the power of AI, specifically a ChatGPT integration fine-tuned model, to provide you with comprehensive, reliable, and real-time fishing reports.

Fishing Reports, Tailored for You

fishtAIls is not just another fishing report website; it's your personalized fishing buddy. We use nationwide data and cutting-edge technology to generate fishing reports that are uniquely tailored to your needs. Whether you're planning a fishing trip to a specific body of water, a particular geographical location, or targeting a specific fish species, fishtAIls has you covered.

Why Choose Fishtails?

Nationwide Coverage: fishtAIls aggregates data from various sources across the country, ensuring that you have access to the most comprehensive fishing reports available.

Tailored Recommendations: fishtAIls doesn't just give you generic reports. Our AI model fine-tuned for fishing provides location-specific insights and recommendations, helping you target the species you're after. This includes lure color/pattern, optimal bait selections, and more.

User-Friendly Interface: We've designed fishtAIls with you in mind. Our user-friendly chatbot interface ensures that you can access fishing reports and insights easily, whether you're on your computer or using a mobile device.

Community-Driven Knowledge: fishtAIls encourages a sense of community among anglers. Share your own fishing tips and insights, or ask questions to the team through our report updater below.

Our Commitment to You

fishtAIls is not just a chatbot; it's a promise to deliver the best fishing experiences. We are committed to providing you with accurate, timely, and relevant fishing reports that make every fishing trip a success. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Join the fishtAIls Community

We invite you to join our ever-growing community of passionate anglers. Whether you're a weekend warrior, a tournament pro, or simply looking for a relaxing day by the water, fishtAIls is here to enhance your angling adventures.

Explore our fishing reports, engage with fellow anglers, and let fishtAIls be your trusted partner in the world of fishing. Together, we'll make every fishing story an unforgettable fishtAIl.

Tell the bot where you will be fishing and it will provide excellent information about the area and body of water and how to make the most of your trip.

Reports by Location

AI Fishing Report describes fishing lures for redfish and red drum
AI Fishing Report describes fishing lures for redfish and red drum

Tell the bot what you are targeting and where, and it can give the perfect recommendation for the specific fish you are after!

Reports by Species

Send us your report!

Please include location, species, catch method (lure type or bait) and any additional details so we can add accurate data to our reports.